
Easily create Spotify playlists from record label discographies


Dicog-ify allows you to search for a record label and generate a Spotify playlist of their available discography once logged in to your Spotify account. For example, to generate a playlist of Better Listen Records' discography, log in to your Spotify account using the button above, search for and submit Better Listen Records' on the next page, and enjoy the playlist that will be automatically added to your Spotify playlists.

Technology Used

Discog-ify is a front-end application developed in JavaScript with jQuery and Bootstrap. Discog-ify accesses Discogs and Spotify's APIs to generate record label playlists for the user. A similar application, DiscogsToSpotify, helped give me the idea for Discog-ify by demonstrating to me that is possible to use Discogs and Spotify's APIs in this manner. Instead of building playlists off of a user's Discog's collection, Discog-ify users can search for record labels to build Spotify playlists off of without a Discogs account.

About the Developer

Patrick Blinkhorn is a Washington, DC-based full-stack developer with a passion for innovative technology and music. When he isn't coding, he's usually producing or DJing as Blinkhorn.

If you have any questions, comments, or trouble with Discog-ify, email Patrick.

Check out more of Patrick's projects on GitHub.